Adree Energy


We are a group of renewable energy enthusiasts with a vision to contribute in making our environment GREEN and HEALTHY and make it less dependent on power from fossil fuels by harnessing the renewable energy. Our prime goal is to make Solar Energy available to homeowners, businesses, schools, non-profits and government organizations so that they pay less for energy generated by burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas and also contribute in building a greener world.


Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) of Grid Connected/Off Grid Solar Power Plants for Official & Residential buildings, Schools & Colleges, Commercial Complexes on Roof Tops, Water Bodies and Ground areas

Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Solar Street Lights

Installation of Solar Fencing

Supply, Installation & Commissioning and of Solar Water Heaters

Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Solar Water Pumps

Operation & Maintenance